Monday, August 20, 2012

Why Australia is chosen for Teleports

A lot of people have this notion that teleports are facilities that allow matter to be transferred without actually traversing the physical space between two points. To clarify, the concept is what we call teleportation and not teleports. Teleports, or telecommunication ports, on the other hand are ground facilities which communicate with spacecrafts or receive radio waves. 

Watch this video on the advantages of an Australian teleport

These facilities are crucial links to earth and space communication. As a result, the location of ground ports are of utmost priority. Many organizations which rely on such facilities include the government and the military. Telecommunication ports provide the platform for mission critical communications. In volatile regions like the Middle East, government personnel relay on satellite communications to carry out critical services to defence missions, especially since many of the mission locations have difficult terrain, and the terrestrial networks in wart-torn regions are damaged.

An example of how satellite communications - through the use of teleports - are assisting the defence industry can be seen in how the Perth Teleport in Australia is delivering the needed communications solutions to the Middle East. Australia's location provides the perfect look angle to the ME, and many military communications provider rely on the systems down under to carry out their missions. The climate where the Perth Teleport is location is also very conducive. Rain fade is minimal which also means less latency issues. The ground port in Australia is well-secured too, and many defence organizations have certified the Perth Teleport.

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